(The) Megan's Blog

This website is dedicated to the random thoughts and pontifications of yours truly. Please feel free to join in on the free-for-all! No rules, just be sure to clean up after yourself - this isn't your mother's blog, after all!!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Sometimes Sick Days Are Fun...

.... and then other times, they ARE NOT. Some quick quippets of things I have learned about sick days:

1. Sometimes you end up feeling less refreshed than you would have had you just gone to work.
2. Sick days can sometimes make you think perhaps you do not like your pets nearly as much as you once thought...but then you just realize this is just crazy talk...or is it??
3. At times you may curse yourself when you realize you took a sick day off the DAY BEFORE Ikea opens... stupid stupid stupid...
4. Sick days aren't nearly as much fun when they are used in the middle of the week, rather than on a Friday or Monday, giving you a 3-day weekend.
5. Sick days are also not nearly as much fun when you are the only only one off... then you realize you were not the ONLY one off... at the end of the day.

So, as you may be able to tell from the post above, yours truly used today as a sick day... to any co-workers and/or ((The Megan's Place of Employment)) management who may be reading this blog, I had a yucky sinus headache and spent the entire day in bed resting up... to everyone else... I totally slept in and didn't feel like going in. I totally had plans to get all kinds of stuff done that didn't get done over my (birthday) weekend... but did I get one, even a one, thing done?? Oh but the answer to that question would be a big ol' fat NO. I was a total lazy bum all day... which would have been nice had I done it yesterday when I really was feeling like ASS.

In conclusion, I leave you with a highly entertaining picture of some drunk chick from the restaurant on Saturday... mmm, sake to me baby, she's HOT!!!

and...PEACE... I'm out!!!


  • At Wednesday, August 03, 2005 7:16:00 AM, Blogger Tim said…

    Yes, sick days....If you are sick it sucks... If you arent, you end up doing NOTHING. Big Plans are always made, Big Nothing is what always happen.

  • At Thursday, August 04, 2005 7:04:00 AM, Blogger The Megan said…

    I think you should mind your own business tronrr... oh, that's right... i went there.

    ps only people who show up to my birthday parties are allowed to comment on my blog... =P


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