People Care What I Have To Say!!
So, I was checking my myspace account this weekend, and decided to jump on over and check my yahoo email (which I do maybe once a month since just about everyone i know emails me at my work email). Anyway, I see an email entitled:
'your Aug. 23, 2005 post (Daughters to Work Day)'
'your Aug. 23, 2005 post (Daughters to Work Day)'
My first thought was, toss it!!, as I figured it was junk mail, and besides - a.) why would anyone be writing me about a post that was almost over 6 months old and b.) how did this 'anyone' get my email addressn in the first place, hmmm? Well, just as I'm about to click the delete button, I remembered that I *had* put my email address up on my blog site, so I thought, what the heck, see what it's about. Below is the email that was sent:
Hi, Megan.
I'm a reporter in Washington, D.C., for (name removed), which serves a chain of 26 papers:
(web address removed)
I'm working on a story about memories of Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. I came across a post of yours from last year (below).
I'd love to talk to you! What do you say?
Please feel free to respond to this e-mail or, call me at (phone number removed). I can call you right back to save you long distance. If you get my voicemail, please tell me the best time to reach you.
Thanks for thinking about it.
-- (Name Removed)
Attached to the email was the link to my August 23, 2005 post entitled Let's Set This Circus Down. I read throught the post thinking, 'what does this have to do w/ taking your son or daughter to work day'? Well, lo and behold there is a short snippet about that very subject in my post.
So anyway, I'm sorta stoked that some random person out there in www.a-penny-for-your-thoughts-land cares about what I have to say, and I just wanted to share ...and that's pretty much it... I'm planning on giving this reporter a call this evening... I'll let you know how it all turns out.
Auf Weidersehen!!!