(The) Megan's Blog

This website is dedicated to the random thoughts and pontifications of yours truly. Please feel free to join in on the free-for-all! No rules, just be sure to clean up after yourself - this isn't your mother's blog, after all!!!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Yay For 3-Day Weekends!!!

This week has seriously dragged on forever!!! I'm so happy for 3 day weekend/4 day work week next week. I'm meeting some folks for dinner and HH tonight, then tomorrow I'm spending the day at 6 flags, which i'm totally psyched about, and Sunday is a 1yr old bday party (whoot whoot) followed by a Margaritaville party. "The Megan" in Spanish is "La Margarita", so I am certain me and this party will get along smashingly. Then Monday is rest up followed by "cleaning-around-the-house-haha-ya-right-not-really" day...

So, I don't have a lot to post on today... which really doesn't matter since no one (that I'm aware of) really knows I've gotten back to blogging anyway. Part of me just wants send y'all an email/text/whatever letting you know I'm back, but part of me thinks it would be fun to see how long it takes for anyone to notice (ya... I'm sneaky sneaky like that). But how long to wait? A week... a month... a year?!? What if www.themegansblog.blogspot.com has been completely washed from the minds of my one-time co-bloggers? And if we did all get back to blogging, could it ever really be the regular pants-peeing from the hilarity of it all that it once was? Or maybe my pals have left the blogger.com world for a new realm of blogging that I am not aware of... who knows really?

Ok... I'm totally blabbing now... for now I will just think happy thoughts about blogging festivities, and see how that goes...


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