(The) Megan's Blog

This website is dedicated to the random thoughts and pontifications of yours truly. Please feel free to join in on the free-for-all! No rules, just be sure to clean up after yourself - this isn't your mother's blog, after all!!!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Stewie Says "TGIF!!! This Calls For A Sexy Party!!!"

...Oh wait, my birthday was *last* weekend... that's right. No sexy parties scheduled for this weekend....... as of yet.
So, for anyone who was worried, the whole bible study incident turned out to be a misunderstanding mixed with a bit of truth. Misunderstanding in that 'bible study leader' thought we were only wanting to go to Jangos to booze it up with no bible study, and partly truth in that there are some people in our bible study group that are mostly just interested in that (the social) aspect of the young adult group. Anyway, a happy median was reached, and we had our bible study at Jangos. It all worked out for the best, and no mean words or hair pulling had to take place... so Yay!
In other news, my weekend plans include attending a play at hip pocket with Leeann, Angel and Amanda. I am excited because I will get to see my old college chum Claudia, who I haven't seen in 4-ever. Saturday is the possibility of hanging out w/ Tim and James (and anyone else who wants to get down and dirty, get your mind out of the gutter Tim) and building a pond in my backyard (I hope I hope I hope). Sunday is the usual, church followed by going out to lunch and hanging out w/ the fam, and possible lounging in the pool which I didn't get to do at all last weekend... I am starting to get pasty... er, uhh... make that 'fair-skinned' again, and I'm not happy about it one bit.
One more thing I wanted to mention, and I hope he doesn't mind (but I don't think he will). I was talking about the whole religion and faith thing w/ Tim last night, and he mentioned that something he likes about me is that I see people for who they are, and not for what they believe in. And it wasn't until later that night after I got home that I really got to thinking about it, and I guess maybe it's just not something I had ever thought about before. But it made me feel really good, because that really is the way that I try to be. I think some Christians believe if they can't turn someone to their faith, that they are no good and a waste of time. But the whole basis of Christianity is about loving others the way God loves you, not loving others who happen to believe the same thing as you. My faith happens to be a really big part of my life and who I am, but that doesn't take away from anyone who happens to believe differently than me. I mean, no one knows for sure what the truth is, duh that's why it's called 'faith'. So for someone to hate or condemn someone else for basically not having the same 'faith in something they can't prove' is pretty ridiculous. But that's just my humble opinion.
Sorry, ya'll I know I have been doing the soap box thing for two posts in a row now... I promise to stand beside, or maybe not even anywhere near, the soapbox for the next few posts. This whole blogging thing has just really opened me up to puting down my thoughts and getting them out there, so I hope y'all don't mind. My last post got a bunch of comments, so I'm hoping y'all don't think it's that bad.
I'll wrap up my rant with a link to Mr.Cranky.com, a super fun website where Mr. Cranky basically hates all movies to different degrees, and he tells you why. It is magical and mantifical, and basically great fun all around.
I'll be seeing most of y'all in the next few days, but if I don't, have a great weekend!!!


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