(The) Megan's Blog

This website is dedicated to the random thoughts and pontifications of yours truly. Please feel free to join in on the free-for-all! No rules, just be sure to clean up after yourself - this isn't your mother's blog, after all!!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Wednesday's Random Poll

So, I heard them talking about this on my radio station yesterday, and I had to get more info on the subject. Upside down Christmas trees. Some are bolted to the ceiling, while others are designed to sit on the floor, upside down. The reasoning behind this is that it frees up floor space to put presents, and is less dangerous to the little ones (at least the ones on the ceiling). So, what are your thoughts?

Upside down Christmas Trees:

*An ingenious and practical concept


*Totally funked up crazy talk

Here are a few stories I found on the origin of the upside-down Christmas tree.

Legends of the first Christmas trees
Christ Story Christmas Tree Page
Upside Down Christmas Tree

Oooh Oooh Oooh... and now Target is in on the craze... wait a tick... $499 for a tree?!? Ya... um... me no think so.


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