(The) Megan's Blog

This website is dedicated to the random thoughts and pontifications of yours truly. Please feel free to join in on the free-for-all! No rules, just be sure to clean up after yourself - this isn't your mother's blog, after all!!!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Happy/Merry ChristmaHannaKwanzakah!!!

... and for everyone else, Happy Holidays!!!

Hope everyone's holiday vacation is 'Nice Nice Baby!!!'

For the first time ever, I will be hosting Christmas at my house this year!!! So... wish me luck!!

Hope Santa knows which house to stop at!!! =)


  • At Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Merry Christmas!!!

    I hope everything went well hosting the family at your abode.

    So, now that Christmas is over, on to more important things - karaoke Tuesday?


  • At Tuesday, December 27, 2005 12:04:00 PM, Blogger The Megan said…

    Heck yes!!!! =)

  • At Thursday, December 29, 2005 9:48:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    That's what I meant - I was at my mom's, then from there straight to karaoke with y'all, so lots of human interaction, then on to my cold and lonely house with no humans... Wednesday was my day of loneliness, Karaoke Tuesday still counted as part of "human interaction time." I didn' t include that in my entry because I was in such a deep state of depression, and conjuring up those memories of happier times was just too painful...



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