(The) Megan's Blog

This website is dedicated to the random thoughts and pontifications of yours truly. Please feel free to join in on the free-for-all! No rules, just be sure to clean up after yourself - this isn't your mother's blog, after all!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A Bit Of A Morbid Post Today

Totally piggy-backing off Lesley's MySpace Bulletin today:

Okay, so here's the deal: Find out how you end your life, the google way. Go to google, type "(your name) was killed by" and see what the end of life holds in store for you. Remember to use the quotations marks, else it wont work.

Mine was this:
"Megan was killed by a sexual predator living across the street from her."

Good... times...

On a happy note, this is my 75th post... woot woot!!


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