(The) Megan's Blog

This website is dedicated to the random thoughts and pontifications of yours truly. Please feel free to join in on the free-for-all! No rules, just be sure to clean up after yourself - this isn't your mother's blog, after all!!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A New Year... And A New Blog...

Now don't you worry, my pets... The Megan will not be abandoning her blogspot blog... not just yet anyway... I have, however, signed up for a myspace account which can be found by clicking here. So feel free to jump onto either of the links, and give your ol' pal Megan a shout out. Remember: Megan's need love too, ya know. Now, I know what you are probably thinking (well... maybe...). Will this blog be much like my other (Xanga) blog, created solely for the purpose of commenting on other people's blogs?? Perhaps... it's possible. Who knows, really? As Timmy says, nothing is certain...

Today has been way slow at work. I've gotten a lot of reading done, and am over halfway through w/ Wicked. I got here at 7:15 this morning (woot woot!!) so I get to leave in just a few li'l minutes... YAY!! I'm supposed to be attending a birthday party of a friend of a friend tonight at Humperdinks in Arlington, but I'm not feeling all so social right now, so I might end up staying home... we'll see.

Hope everyone is having a hunky dory New Year!!!

This is just an idea of how bored I got at work today. I took a pic of the new pink faceplates I got for my cell phone while I was talking to Timmy on the phone earlier... ain't it cute??

Wait... I just realized that everyone who actually reads this blog already received the picture I took, or was actually with me when I bought the faceplates... DOH!!!


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