Don't Let the Big Head Fool Ya...
You know... I like to think of my self as a reasonably responsible young woman who, for the most part, has her stuff together and can function capably as a productive member of the adult society...
...Afternoons like today make me seriously question myself.
My dentist appt. was at 12:45 today. This-and-that-and-all-the-other-things-that-seem-to-always-conveniently-come-about-5-minutes-before-I'm-supposed-to-leave-for-somewhere-to-get-there-on-time happened, and I didn't get out of the office until about 12:25. I thought, no biggie, my dentist is right off O'Connor, and I thought 20 minutes should be plenty of time to get there during non-rush hour traffic.... until I got out to my car and realized that my gas gauge was hanging around at about 4mm below E... hadn't noticed this on my way into work this morning (of course). So as I'm praying to all that is holy during my (thank God) less-than-a-mile-from-work trek to the gas station, my car starts to sputter... then the praying began... ohhhhhhhh Lord, please don't let me run out of gas in the middle of August half a mile from the gas station when I'm already late for a dentist appt. I had to schedule over a month in advance and wearing a skirt and strappy shoes...pppplease, I promise I will pray more and swear less if you will just GET ME TO THE GAS STATION puhhhhh-lease. At this point devine intervention steps in (or was it the fact that the gas station was down-hill and i had the car in nuetral?) and I literally rollllllled into the station... to find that every...single...pump... was in use. I very quickly forgot my deal with God and dropped a few choice phrases that I can't even remember now (but I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to kiss my mother with this mouth for at least a week). I waited not-so-patiently in line for the next pump, and dropped about $4 in my tank before heading back for the road (at this point, I may have cursed the gas prices, I may not have cursed the gas prices, I just can't remember specifically). There was an 18-wheeler ahead of me at the exit that I waited about a minute for before realizing he was *parked* and not *exiting*... more choice phrases ensued (sorry God, sorry mom), and I whipped around him and headed out of the parking lot. At this time I made a point to breath in, breath out, no point getting worked up over nothing. I am exiting O'Connor at exactly 12:45... woo woo! Where I come from, 5 minutes is still considered 'fashionably late' so I figured I was good-to-go. I'm pulling into the parking lot at 12:49 when I get a telephone call. I answer it as I'm walkihg through the front door of the dentist's office... It's the dentist's receptionist... on the other end of the line, and also about 5 feet in front of me as I walk in the door.., did I forget about my appointment today?... I hang up the phone and apologize for being a little late. She responds with an overly polite 'you know it's a good idea to show up a little early for your appointments, that ensures we don't get behind up here.' Ohhhhhhhhh, I thought of a few things I could say to her too, but instead I just forced a smile and signed my name to the check-in sheet. I thought perhaps she could tell what I was thinking through my jaw-clenched smile (I've been told I don't hide my emotions well), and for a split second I worried she would secretly tell the dentist I reguested *no anesthesia*. All was good though, and the dental hygenist called me in first for my teeth whitening. That wasn't too bad, just uncomfortable. They put this tray in your mouth and you have to leave it in there while biting down continuously for about an hour while this laser beam shoots white light at your mouth. But now my teeth ara about 10x prettier, and I was off to getting my cavities filled. First thing the Dr. says when I lay back... 'Do you want anesthesia??' Ummmm, yah huh... I think so, I started to say. Then he told me the cavities were really tiny and the shot would probably actually hurt worse than the drilling anyway. I considered asking him if he'd had any little chats with his receptionist (that sneaky woman), but I thought better and decided to take his word for it. He was right, the fillings were nothin', and I was done in 5 minutes. Went to pay my bill (gulp), and headed back for work.
So, shockingly enough, the worst part about my dental experience today was the drive over there. So I guess I can't complain too much.
Tonight involves dancing of the belly variety followed by, I don't know, we'll see what comes about.
Davidson... out.
...Afternoons like today make me seriously question myself.
My dentist appt. was at 12:45 today. This-and-that-and-all-the-other-things-that-seem-to-always-conveniently-come-about-5-minutes-before-I'm-supposed-to-leave-for-somewhere-to-get-there-on-time happened, and I didn't get out of the office until about 12:25. I thought, no biggie, my dentist is right off O'Connor, and I thought 20 minutes should be plenty of time to get there during non-rush hour traffic.... until I got out to my car and realized that my gas gauge was hanging around at about 4mm below E... hadn't noticed this on my way into work this morning (of course). So as I'm praying to all that is holy during my (thank God) less-than-a-mile-from-work trek to the gas station, my car starts to sputter... then the praying began... ohhhhhhhh Lord, please don't let me run out of gas in the middle of August half a mile from the gas station when I'm already late for a dentist appt. I had to schedule over a month in advance and wearing a skirt and strappy shoes...pppplease, I promise I will pray more and swear less if you will just GET ME TO THE GAS STATION puhhhhh-lease. At this point devine intervention steps in (or was it the fact that the gas station was down-hill and i had the car in nuetral?) and I literally rollllllled into the station... to find that every...single...pump... was in use. I very quickly forgot my deal with God and dropped a few choice phrases that I can't even remember now (but I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to kiss my mother with this mouth for at least a week). I waited not-so-patiently in line for the next pump, and dropped about $4 in my tank before heading back for the road (at this point, I may have cursed the gas prices, I may not have cursed the gas prices, I just can't remember specifically). There was an 18-wheeler ahead of me at the exit that I waited about a minute for before realizing he was *parked* and not *exiting*... more choice phrases ensued (sorry God, sorry mom), and I whipped around him and headed out of the parking lot. At this time I made a point to breath in, breath out, no point getting worked up over nothing. I am exiting O'Connor at exactly 12:45... woo woo! Where I come from, 5 minutes is still considered 'fashionably late' so I figured I was good-to-go. I'm pulling into the parking lot at 12:49 when I get a telephone call. I answer it as I'm walkihg through the front door of the dentist's office... It's the dentist's receptionist... on the other end of the line, and also about 5 feet in front of me as I walk in the door.., did I forget about my appointment today?... I hang up the phone and apologize for being a little late. She responds with an overly polite 'you know it's a good idea to show up a little early for your appointments, that ensures we don't get behind up here.' Ohhhhhhhhh, I thought of a few things I could say to her too, but instead I just forced a smile and signed my name to the check-in sheet. I thought perhaps she could tell what I was thinking through my jaw-clenched smile (I've been told I don't hide my emotions well), and for a split second I worried she would secretly tell the dentist I reguested *no anesthesia*. All was good though, and the dental hygenist called me in first for my teeth whitening. That wasn't too bad, just uncomfortable. They put this tray in your mouth and you have to leave it in there while biting down continuously for about an hour while this laser beam shoots white light at your mouth. But now my teeth ara about 10x prettier, and I was off to getting my cavities filled. First thing the Dr. says when I lay back... 'Do you want anesthesia??' Ummmm, yah huh... I think so, I started to say. Then he told me the cavities were really tiny and the shot would probably actually hurt worse than the drilling anyway. I considered asking him if he'd had any little chats with his receptionist (that sneaky woman), but I thought better and decided to take his word for it. He was right, the fillings were nothin', and I was done in 5 minutes. Went to pay my bill (gulp), and headed back for work.
So, shockingly enough, the worst part about my dental experience today was the drive over there. So I guess I can't complain too much.
Tonight involves dancing of the belly variety followed by, I don't know, we'll see what comes about.
Davidson... out.
At Thursday, August 18, 2005 5:30:00 AM,
James said…
By far one of your funniest posts yet . . . Keep it up, It's fun to laugh after spending 45 minutes in morning rush hour on LBJ.
I'm just glad I'm the only one in the office this early . . . I tend to laugh pretty loudly.
At Thursday, August 18, 2005 6:51:00 AM,
Tim said…
Does insurance cover the whitening of teeth or is it a you gotta pay to play kind of thing? Anyway, glad the drilling wasnt bad, that usually sucks.
At Thursday, August 18, 2005 8:52:00 AM,
The Megan said…
Thanks James... I was definitely glad I had created a blogpage when I got back to work yesterday. It allowed me to vent, as well as hopefully providing a bit of humor to my friends... sometimes I think if I wasn't able to laugh at myself, I would probably cry. And since laughing is good excercise and keeps you young, and crying well it pretty much just makes your face wet and that's about it, I think I will choose the better of the two.
Tim - unfortunately, no, insurance does not pay one single penny for teeth whitening. They consider it purely cosmetic (aka 'a vanity issue), and therefore will not foot part of the bill. My fillings were covered I think 80% though, which helped out quite a bit.
Tron - writing was my favorite class growing up, and yes I have taken a few creative writing classes. However, very similar to my dancing style actually, with writing I pretty much just shoot from the hip. Don't knock your style though, I love it, your stories keep me captivated, intrigued, and basically just wanting to come back for more.
At Thursday, August 18, 2005 11:52:00 AM,
The Megan said…
*WE* are... I don't know about *Y'ALL*...
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