(The) Megan's Blog

This website is dedicated to the random thoughts and pontifications of yours truly. Please feel free to join in on the free-for-all! No rules, just be sure to clean up after yourself - this isn't your mother's blog, after all!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Now Here This...

I would like to begin my post with a cute cartoon which was sent to me earlier today. It is inspired by Timmy's queries on his post today, which can be found by clicking here... no... here.

Nextly, there is an issue that has been bothering me these past 22 hours that I would like to address. It is cleared up now and all is as it should be, however, it has taught me something that I want to discuss. Firstly, I should begin by saying that I made my website to track my occurences, mostly for reminiscence sake, and also to give my buddies a good chuckle if possible. My blog was never started and will never be used to intentioanally discriminate against, snub, offend, begrudge, spite, lie to, hurt, or just generally make my readers feel bad for any reason. All possible 'off color' remarks are to be taken as a joke, and if any feelings resembling the ones listed above are felt as a result of my blog, or just me in general, I am to be notified immediately so the situation can be discussed and absolved - I command you!! Furthermore, 'Feeling hurting' has never been, and will never be a Megan-ism practiced by The Megan. Here ends the lesson.

Ok, onto this week's activities. I am hanging out with Timothy and Jameson this evening for what I sure will be a grand time. Tuesday brings about a dentist appointment (bleck) which involves two fillings (yipes!), and a teeth bleaching (yea, sparkly!!). And, most importantly, my first bellydancing class... oh yes, I can't wait... It looked so fun on Saturday, and The Megan is all about fun things, and 1 + 1 = 2, so duh, it all works out. Plus it will be an awesome workout I am told, and I am way psyched about that.

More stuff going on, but work calls, so I'll talk about it later in the week.


ps: The Megan inc. is fully aware of the apparent misspelling of today's blog title... it was intentional, and part of the joke.

Now, go about your business!


  • At Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:45:00 PM, Blogger Tim said…

    As the pee escapes due to much laughter, I must say that is my all time FAVORITE comic strip, and your witty banter knows no end, until it did, but I know there will be more. Top notch posting, and a job well done to ya.....


  • At Wednesday, August 17, 2005 5:45:00 AM, Blogger James said…

    She thought Tuesday was Monday, so hence thinking that Wednesday was Tuesday . . . She has her days right, just not what the days are called. ;)

  • At Wednesday, August 17, 2005 7:13:00 AM, Blogger The Megan said…

    Please to excuse for my poor language. I have only entered your country but 4 days passed. Please to be accepting my sorry.
    Good day, and praise Allah!

    **yes, sorry apparently i was having a brain fart then. Tuesday = James & Tim Festivities, Wednesday = dentist + bellydancing, but not at the same time of course... I don't even know how that would work**

    Tron, please be advised a barricade has been put up around the bellydancing studio, barring all Baptist men from entering... so don't even bother.



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