(The) Megan's Blog

This website is dedicated to the random thoughts and pontifications of yours truly. Please feel free to join in on the free-for-all! No rules, just be sure to clean up after yourself - this isn't your mother's blog, after all!!!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Last Night's Festivities, and This Weekend

So last night instead of bible study, we had a li'l get together dinner followed by Karaoke at J Gilligans. Geez, it was really packed last night! Good thing I have no problem making a complete fool of myself in front of large groups of people. Everyone was kind of doing their own thing, so I actually think the majority of the people there may not have even noticed i (we) were even on stage. My discussion topic for today involves last night's festivities. So there was a large group that all kinda walked in together, and they appeared to be 'theatre type' so I figured maybe they were all getting together after a show or something similar. I actually saw a couple people I knew in the group, so I chatted w/ them for a while, and amongst are conversation I come to find out that, yes, they are mainly theatre people, however the reason for their gathering sorta threw me off guard (hence the post). According to aforementioned friend whom I was speaking w/, this get together was being held because 'one of the gals in the group had been cheated on by her boyfriend, and the... cheating... had resulted in pregnancy.' Which leads me to my survey... Would you want 30 of your nearest and dearest to be taking you out to karaoke to get over the fact that your significant other had cheated on you and knocked some chick up???

Feel free to discuss...

And now... onto this weekend... PLEASE!!
Friday I'm going out w/ some folks to Las Colinas for a li'l Cool River action... Because you can never get enough Cool River... it's just cool.
Saturday I am way psyched about going to Byblos in Ft. Worth with Leeann, Angel, and Amanda to enjoy Lebanese food, bellydancing, and perhaps spending a little time in the Hookah Bar... all of which will be firsts for The Megan.

Well, that's all I got for now, in a nutshell. More later...

Have a great weekend!!!


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