(The) Megan's Blog

This website is dedicated to the random thoughts and pontifications of yours truly. Please feel free to join in on the free-for-all! No rules, just be sure to clean up after yourself - this isn't your mother's blog, after all!!!

Monday, August 15, 2005


So (as was expected), this weekend rocked! Had a blast on Friday at Cool River. Got a new pickup line that I had to share. While dancing w/ cute guy on dance floor, he informs me that 'he is in the army, this is his last night in the states, and he is being shipped back to Baghdad tomorrow', aka the 'I'm-not-looking-for-anything-long-term-but-feel-free-to-serve-your-country-with-me-any-way-you-choose-tonight' line. Once it became clear that I was not interested in signing up for short term active duty, he disappeared... suprise suprise. Well, at least I can say it was better than trying to be picked up by the two (most likely) Isreali gas station attendants earlier that evening while I was purchasing gum and tampons... mmmm, it just doesn't get any better than that.
Saturday was way groovy too. Byblos was a great time had by all, with the exception of the sucky service (which i was forewarned about, so I can't really complain). I now want to be a professional bellydancer, but will settle for taking classes once a week starting this Wednesday. Smoking the hookah was fun and I got to pretend in my miiiiind that I was smoking a bong, without the crazy after-effects and getting the munchies.
Sunday I relaxed and continued to work on my scrapbook w/ my mom and sis. I have now completed 8 pages, woo woo!
Hopefully, there will be pics of Saturday's fetivities to come.



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