(The) Megan's Blog

This website is dedicated to the random thoughts and pontifications of yours truly. Please feel free to join in on the free-for-all! No rules, just be sure to clean up after yourself - this isn't your mother's blog, after all!!!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Monday's Random Pic From My Desk

So... I decided to start posting a random pic I took from my desk every Monday. Maybe it is because I want you to get a better idea of who The Megan is and what kind of stuff she looks at for 8 hours a day; maybe I want to make it as easy as possible for (The Megan's place of employment) management to fire me once they realize I spend an insane amount of time posting crap on the internet (always 'off the clock', mind you *cough cough*); or maybe (most likely) it is that I am trying to post something every day, and am running out of good ideas... anyway, here's the first pic:

This is a my 'Be Nice or Leave' magnet that I bought a couple months ago from some store that I can't remember now... maybe Spencer's gifts, or somewhere similar. This magnet makes me happy because it says basically what I want to make clear to everyone who passes my desk... but in a nice way, as not to offend anyone. It is very 'Megan' and that is why I got it... my dream magnet would be 'Don't F With Me Bitches!' but I don't think that would go over too nicely with the 'desk paraphernalia Nazis' around here. Actually, my first choice for today's post was my 'The Only Normal People Are The Ones You Don't Know Very Well' magnet, but when I emailed myself the pic from my camera phone, it didn't turn out very well.... hence, this pic.
Today is actually a holiday for me, but I am on call this morning should any 'emergencies' come about. Is this because I am such the overacheiver, and thrive on going above and beyond the call of duty for the company I love? Oh, but no my pretties, that's not it at all. My happy @ss is working because I'm getting paid double time, PLUS holiday pay for it, and that... is... it. Hopefully, work will be minimal and web browsing will be maximal, and I can go about my holiday business (ie. laying out in the pool drinking sangria) as soon as possible.
Kisses to anyone else who is having to work today too... I feel your pain... but not really that much.
Ta ta!!!


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